Consider that the revision to the Law on the Protection of Minors adopted by the National Congress of China on 17 October 2020 will bring about far-reaching changes to Chinese legal framework for the protection of minors, the Child Law International Alliance (CLIA) and Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center (BCLARC) decide to host Webinar No. 3, “Revised Law of the PRC on the Protection of Minors: What to Know and What to Do?” for the purpose of raising awareness of the revised law. In this webinar, speakers will share their views on this law from the different perspectives, including the UNCRC, child rights legislations of other countries and distinguished international practices.
We look forward to seeing you at the webinar and learn about your insights and comments on the new law.
24 November 2020
Opening Address |
10 mins |
Round 1: General Overview of the Law on the Protection of Minors from National and International Perspectives |
45 mins |
Round 2: Remarks on specific articles of the law |
45 mins |
Interaction with Audience
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